My reasoning is that the Bus Pirate itself offers options for
different baud rates, including many of the values included in the
table. I just thought it best to expose as much of the Bus Pirate's
feature set as possible and let the user choose between them.
I don't see a reason to offer values that make no sense to use with
flashrom (anything below 115200).
extra values in my table are intermediate values that the Bus
Pirate's menu doesn't offer by default but are still slower than
the max of 2M. Also, the table omits values too slow to be usable
(<9600 baud) for this purpose.
Values between 115200 and 2M might be useful if there are pre-v3
pirates that support the baud setting. Though, that's pure specu-
lation so far if such a thing exists, right?
I'd like to see everything below 115200 removed (the only effect
I'd expect from these rates would be confusing humble users). For
the rates between 115200 and 2M, I'm still not fully convinced.
If you really want to keep the serialspeed option, the man page
would have to be updated as well.
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