Attention is currently required from: Peter Marheine, Thomas Heijligen.
File Makefile:
Patch Set #2, Line 545: CONFIG_DELAY_MINIMUM_SLEEP_US ?= 100000
meson_options.txt has a good desciption on this, maybe add here as a comment
File tests/udelay.c:
Patch Set #2, Line 45: udelay_test_short
For completeness, it would be good to build and run unit tests with few different settings:
CONFIG_DELAY_MINIMUM_SLEEP_US not set (will be default)
CONFIG_DELAY_MINIMUM_SLEEP_US smaller / larger than default
CONFIG_DELAY_MINIMUM_SLEEP_US is 1 (test is expected to be skipped)
and maybe you've done all that already, but then if you can add this as testing info in commit message, that would be great, thank you!
Patch Set #2, Line 52: if (delay_us >= CONFIG_DELAY_MINIMUM_SLEEP_US)
why this condition is needed?
if CONFIG_DELAY_MINIMUM_SLEEP_US is set to 200 why can't we run the test for 199 ?
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