Attention is currently required from: Alexander Goncharov, Angel Pons, Martin L Roth, Peter Marheine, Stefan Reinauer, Thomas Heijligen.
1 comment:
File doc/about_flashrom/code_of_conduct.rst:
Patch Set #1, Line 5: flashrom follows coreboot's `Code of Conduct <>`_.
any reason not to just copy coreboot's document instead of pointing to it?
But why copying if we can just link?
There could be amendments to coreboot's doc, why would we spend an effort to maintain an exact copy, and copying all amendments? this would mean tracking all the patches and copying the same patches here?
I can imagine in future, if there is a desire and energy to create a flashrom's CoC, then it could start from copying and then adding modifications. But for now we can share CoC I think.
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