Attention is currently required from: Anastasia Klimchuk.
File ni845x_spi.c:
Patch Set #2, Line 228: uInt32 device_handle
I thought the purpose of the first patch in the chain CB:72154 is to do this type of work: adding ar […]
You're absolutely right, thanks! Moved it to CB:72154
These are actually arguments, not global data
Patch Set #2, Line 575: uInt32 device_handle
`device_handle` declared as `Int32` in the `ni845x_spi_data` struct
It's the typo. I redeclared `device_handle` as `uInt32` in the struct.
You won't need previous patch CB:72159 if you do: […]
Good catch! Done
drop extra semicolon
and now you need to pass `data` here, now you have data!
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