Attention is currently required from: Hsuan-ting Chen.
Commit Message:
Patch Set #1, Line 7: as supporter
remove "as supporter"
Patch Set #1, Line 7: roccochen
replace with: Hsuan-Ting Chen
We use full names for commit titles in this file, so that it's easier to read commit history without looking into commit description.
Thank you Hsuan-Ting, and welcome to maintainers!
Also have a read on Team page (if you haven't done this already)
especially the intro which applies to everyone and the section about "flashrom reviewers" group.
Patch Set #1, Line 199: M: Hsuan-ting Chen <>
Put this line above previous, `M` entries come before `R` entries. `M` entry means stronger commitment: you subscribe to all code reviews for your area (which is flashrom_tester in this case), `R` entry means you are CCed to patches.
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