Attention is currently required from: Felix Singer, Nico Huber, Thomas Heijligen, Alexander Goncharov.
One more style nit I've noticed: we also place a space before the asterisk […]
Hi again Nico, here's a new round.
File dirtyjtag_spi.c:
Patch Set #5, Line 121: size_t num_xfer = (len + max_xfer_size - 1 ) / max_xfer_size; // ceil(len/max_xfer_size)
> > 1. Lift the `.max_data_*` limits so this function gets called for bigger […]
I've seen runs going a little bit faster (4 seconds instead of 6 seconds @ 1Mhz for a 2Mbit flash), but it's not really consistent enough to make any meaningful conclusion.
I think the main bottleneck lies in the size of the buffer we're able to send. Being able to max out USB bulk transfers would help a lot.
Minor misunderstanding, I think. I meant this `if` block is all that […]
I removed the superfluous if conditions. I only added a check for the upper frequency bound, Frequency = 0 is no big deal, the adapter will use its lowest operating frequency. I added a check for the upper bound though, as it could be misleading to the user.
frequency renamed to spiseed.
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