Attention is currently required from: Simon Buhrow, Nico Huber, Thomas Heijligen.
Aarya uploaded patch set #24 to this change.
flashrom.c:Add function to get a flattened view of the chip erase blocks
Add a function to flatten out the addresses of the flash chip as per the
different erase functions. This function will return a list of layouts
which is dynamically allocated. So after use all the layouts as well as
the list itself should be freed. The free_erase_layout function does
Change-Id: Iafe78de00daa55f7114bd4ce09465dd88074ece4
Signed-off-by: Aarya Chaumal <>
M flashrom.c
M include/flash.h
2 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
git pull ssh:// refs/changes/79/65879/24
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