Attention is currently required from: Thomas Heijligen, Edward O'Callaghan.
Commit Message:
Run `meson -Dtests=true` to enable tests. (default)
Run `meson -Dtests=false` to disable tests.
I've updated the commit message. Now it should be mode clear what happen. […]
Commit Message:
Patch Set #4, Line 10: musst
musst -> must (typo)
Patch Set #1, Line 522: if cmocka_dep.found()
cmocka is now a required dependency for tests. Therefore the `if cmocka_dep. […]
I found what I was remembering, this commit 16c62a791d0a311bb040812b03c33881ab641a8e
That was handling of the case when tests are enabled but libcmocka not available: in this case flashrom will still build just without tests.
We need to keep this behaviour.
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