I am generally not opposed to strerror() like functions. But
if we start writing those, we should probably unify the lib-
flashrom return values, first? Maybe use a single enum and
a single function returning error messages.
Patch Set #3, Line 613: msg_gerr("Failed to read layout: %s\n", flashrom_layout_read_from_ifd_error_msg(ret));
With flashrom_layout_read_from_ifd() unaltered, it would now print the following
on a read failure:
Reading ich descriptor... Read operation failed!
Failed to read layout: descriptor on flash couldn't be read
That seems a bit overkill.
Patch Set #3, Line 392: const char *flashrom_layout_read_from_ifd_error_msg(const int err)
It's generally a nice idea, but about the opposite how everything
else in flashrom does it: Directly send the error message to the
I know the flashrom style is a bit hard to get into. But mixing
different error-reporting mechanism might make it worse...
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