Make sense. Now I saw the notes. Stupid question, sorry.

That about the xxH ?

Thanks for the fast response.

Em seg, 9 de mai de 2016 às 12:23, ron minnich <> escreveu:
H means hex, they do that instead of 0x.
2 is footnote 2.

The whole H thing goes back 45 years or so and was a failure of vision, AH is a register name and a constant. As are bc, ch, and dh. oops.

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 8:19 AM Rafael Machado <> wrote:
Hi everyone

I'm taking a look at the Intel developers guide and there is a notation there that I didn't understand.


Since there are several guys with more experience here, probably someone can help me. This is the table with the default values of the registers after a system reset, from Intel Developers Guide, page 2285.

That does the "H2" means at the attached picture ?
And what toes the xxH3 means too ?

Thanks and Regards
Rafael R. Machado