Hi, Ron,
The licensing agreement you referred to was a generic license that users click on download. The click through license specific for FSP when you extract it gives the user more capability... Could you check if that meets your need?
------------------- your message ----------
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2014 08:41:10 -0700
From: ron minnich <rminnich@gmail.com>
To: "Stojsavljevic, Zoran" <zoran.stojsavljevic@intel.com>, coreboot
Subject: Re: [coreboot] New addendums to INTEL FSP family
Message-ID: <CAP6exY+fUyTBQoUaD+1naKmfXEPXWeC9Pa73nbYb26ib3znWqQ@mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
This license still looks problematical to me. Couple that with thefact that the Haswell MRC is still not generally available from Intel
and I'm a bit concerned.If I build a coreboot image with FSP, am I allowed to put it on
dropbox for others to try out? Not clear at all!
And, "one backup copy"? Do the people who wrote this understand howthings in this world work?
This is progress, and Intel gets closer every time, but they're still
not there in my view.ron