Marc Jones wrote:
ron minnich wrote:
This change adds some debug prints, and a comment warning to dts on cs5536.

Most importantly it fixes a simple programming error which made it so most of
the sets on the USB were not doing anything. The bug is also in V2.


/* the /sizeof(u32) is to convert byte offsets into u32 offsets */
#define HCCPARAMS		(0x08/sizeof(u32))

I don't understand this change. This is standard MMIO. The memory mapped 
registers are defined 0h, 04h, 08h, 0Ah...

You could
*(bar + 08h) |= 1 << 9;
*(bar + 09h) |= 1 << 1;

Yes, this looks much saner...

on i945 i am using a couple of defines for accessing MMIO registers (in this case the MCHBAR registers)

#define MCHBAR8(x) *((volatile u8 *)(DEFAULT_MCHBAR + x))
#define MCHBAR16(x) *((volatile u16 *)(DEFAULT_MCHBAR + x))
#define MCHBAR32(x) *((volatile u32 *)(DEFAULT_MCHBAR + x))

so you can write

MCHBAR8(DCC) |= (1<<1);

for maximum readablility

Can you please explain?

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