I don't remember at this point exactly what part of your website I got it from.  It did the job it was supposed to do, which is to write seabios to the boot stub. That enabled me to boot linux, compile coreboot and take the next step. It was my mistake, laziness really, to keep using the binary instead of compiling fresh. No worries, John. :) A lot of people including myself wouldn't have come to coreboot without you.

On May 25, 2017 11:42 AM, "John Lewis" <jlewis@johnlewis.ie> wrote:

Egg on face again, Lewis. ;)

IDK, if you downloaded the version which the script refers to, it was compiled around 2015 IIRC, so I would expect it to be okay, but I guess I should update it too.

If you downloaded one which may (or may not) be hanging around the web root, then that would probably be less so.

On 25/05/17 18:18, Alejandro Flores wrote:
Ironic you should ask. :) The binary came from your website. I used it to flash the boot stub only to start and assumed it would work for the full rom also. Ooops.

On May 25, 2017 2:04 AM, "John Lewis" <jlewis@johnlewis.ie> wrote:

Where did the binary come from? In distro version? It's really recommended to use a ChromeOS version of Flashrom to flash Chromebooks - makes things easier.

Yes, it is well known that the ME can interfere with its being overwritten amongst other things. :)