Is the rumor me?
If it's me, I'd like the tell what the inside is.
I'm a newbie in free software development, and I'd like to start my free software development from the coreboot project. In China, so many people(more than a half) use intel cpus, and most of them are above P4, including me. So when i found coreboot only support intel cpu up to PIII, I'm very curious, and willing to make it support intel cpus above P4. That's why I asked so many questions about intel cpu.
I don't think lack of support to something of coreboot will discourage people involve in, for me, I just want to make practice, I don't mind how perfect it is now, I really hope coreboot supported nothing, then I could develop it from zero. :)

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 10:18 PM, Joseph Smith <> wrote:

Maybe it is just me, but it seems like lately there have been a lot of
posts to the mailing list about, coreboot not supporting ANY Intel
chipsets/cpu's. Is there rumors spreading around the mill??? If so we need
to nip this in the bud, this is probably discouraging people that want to
get involved with coreboot.

Joseph Smith

coreboot mailing list

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