> As for our prototype, we got it to boot with one memory channel while ‘hot’. We’re working with Intel to narrow it down,
> but it looks like a marginal trace length issue. The verbose FSP tells us we are having issues during Command Clock Training.

As I recall, INTEL provides HW PCB evaluation support for custom platforms, for VIP IOTG customers. There is also INTEL trace length calculation tool, for each family of ATOM/CORE. Important things to note (area: board HW design and verification), Andy. Inline image 1

Since I also recall that Rangeley has some Gen.3 SATA support (2 ports), I also will advise you to check/pay attention to these, during Lane Clock training/SATA 3 Protocol training... Just in case.

Good Luck,

On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 2:28 PM, Andy Knowles <aknowles@galleonec.com> wrote:

A follow-up, for posterity:


I got the RCC-DFF from ADI to boot using the memory down option. To do this, I enabled Memory Down in the FSP (via BCT) and also changed all of the SPD SMBus Addresses to 0xff, to make sure the EEPROM wasn’t being used.  Booting with this FSP I get an expected “No DIMMs Present” error.


I then modified src/mainboard/adi/rcc-dff/romstage.c as attached, specifying the SPD data from the Kingston datasheet and one populated DIMM on channel 0.


The RCC-DFF then booted normally.


As for our prototype, we got it to boot with one memory channel while ‘hot’. We’re working with Intel to narrow it down, but it looks like a marginal trace length issue. The verbose FSP tells us we are having issues during Command Clock Training.


Thanks again for responses!





From: coreboot [mailto:coreboot-bounces@coreboot.org] On Behalf Of Andy Knowles
Sent: Monday, 23 January 2017 11:55
To: Agrain Patrick <patrick.agrain@al-enterprise.com>
Cc: coreboot@coreboot.org
Subject: Re: [coreboot] Rangeley FSP reports "Err[24]: GetSet Value exceeds limits" during memory init


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Hi Patrick,


I have an RCC-DFF from ADI. The memory is soldered down, but from their BIOS source it seems they aren’t using the FSP memory down option, so I suspect they have an EEPROM on the board with SPD data pretending to be a DIMM. I’m going to try booting it with memory down set in FSP and SPD data in coreboot instead.





HI Andy,


RCC-VE dev board from ADI has also memory down. It may help to compare. But unfortunately, schematics are not available.


Patrick Agrain


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