Even if the use LinuxBIOS I don't think they will produce anything ready to be shipped with linuxBIOS and ported for different architectures. So I guess I still have a lot of work for GSoC :).

On 5/2/07, Quux <pawn2be.wild@yahoo.de> wrote:
from what I understand they try to get MS into the boat. For cost
reasons LinuxBIOS will still be choice #1. --Q

Myles Watson schrieb:
> The Register is reporting that OLPC is going to produce a version that boots
> windows.  Does anyone know how they are planning to do it?  Are they still
> going to use LinuxBIOS? Will it affect the Google Summer of Code project?
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/04/30/windows_on_olpc/
> Thanks,
> Myles

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Augusto Pedroza