Hi Mike, I actually got it to compile now with the .config from https://coreboot.org/status/board-status.html. 2018W42 was the last successful build for Alix2d13 and it worked!


On 13 Oct 2019, at 22:42, Karim El Chenawi <chenawi@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Mike, I’m new to coreboot so I started by following the tutorial (excellent documentation btw) https://doc.coreboot.org/tutorial/part1.html, built the coreboot toolchain and tested with QEMU and all went well. Now, since Alix2d13 is no longer supported I needed an older version of coreboot and this is where it goes wrong. According to the message from Reto Rayen a few years back he got it working with the following:

1.) Clone the coreboot git -> git clone http://review.coreboot.org/coreboot.git
2.) Revert back to the coreboot version -> git reset --hard a0a3727dbbd7f3ae9f9021e0797ce2fc61d1b79e
3.) Download the following .config file for compiling -> 
4.) Open the .config file with «make menuconfig» and close it again
5.) As least you do the «make» and write the coreboot bios on your «Pc Engines Alix2d13».

With this is I can still build the toolchain (a few warnings) but when the I get stuck at "Step 4 - Build the payload - coreinfo":

make -C payloads/coreinfo olddefconfig ==> make: *** No rule to make target 'olddefconfig'.  Stop.

I guess the tutorial has changed quite a bit since the version I’m trying to compile.

I think I’m way over my head here but I wanted to give it a shot and see if anyone else had coreboot running on Alix2d13.

On 13 Oct 2019, at 10:56, Mike Banon <mikebdp2@gmail.com> wrote:

There are some messages from a few years back from Reto Rayen but I’m not able to reproduce his work.

It would be easier to help you if you can tell, what have you already
tried and what exactly did not work.

On Sun, Oct 13, 2019 at 10:59 AM Karim El Chenawi <chenawi@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi guys,

I was wondering if anyone has a working build of coreboot for PC Engines Alix2d13. I know that this board is old and retired but I still would like to have coreboot on it. There are some messages from a few years back from Reto Rayen but I’m not able to reproduce his work.

Thanks, Karim
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