On 5/20/11 2:03 AM, Paul Menzel wrote:
Dear coreboot folks,

not knowing who would want to travel to the USA or through the USA, I am
forwarding Lennart’s message to the list.

Stefan, Peter, Ron, Scott, Marc, Rudolf, Sven, Patrick and everyone I
forgot, it would be great if some of you could make it and contact
Lennart as soon as possible.

Oh are we too late? The deadline seems to be over since 5 days.

Santa Rosa is only about 2 hours from here.



Lennart Poettering wrote:

Kay and I are putting together the boot&init track at the Linux Plumbers
Conference and we were wondering if we might get you (or somebody else
from CoreBoot) to propose a session for our track?

If you are not the right one to ask, could you point me who might be the
right one? Or forward this mail to him?

We'd need submissions pretty quickly, directly on the
http://www.linuxplumbersconf.org/2011/ web site, choose the boot&init
track when submitting.

(And regardgless what the page says about deadlines, we'll accept your

Would be thankful for a quick reply.


-- Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.