Hi all,
I am sorry that this could look like a double post which I asked under the "Getting serial output from w83627hf?" topic but couldn't get any reply. So I thought it is better to ask it in a separate mail, being really a different matter.
Well, I need the Intel System Controller Hub(SCH), Chipset Microcode(CMC) state machine binary as it is stated in the src/southbridge/inte/sch/Makefile.inc file as: #We don't ship that, but booting without it is bound to fail
So how can I get this binary? Does it lay in the proprietary bios that I can extract from maybe? There is something I didn't get as well, is it the same thing with the CPU Microcode? (I have Atom Z510 processor)
I did lots of googling but couldn't find it:( would be grateful if someone can help on this. Thanks in advance, Alp