
Could someone with Alix.2c or Alix.2d please review and ack/not ack this patch ? These are relatively trivial changes anyways.

On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 12:00 AM, Aurélien <footplus@gmail.com> wrote:

Alix.2[cd][23] support enhancements
!!!! Please $ svn mv alix2d alix2 before applying this patch. !!!!
I decided to rename the boards Alix.2 and support the following variants: 2c2, 2c3, 2d2, 2d3, 2d13 - see help text -. 2d1 may also work, but differ more: different ram size, and no USB, so I can't say.
I also added a submenu to configure which onboard LEDs should be lit at boot.
Finally, I clarified the comments in irq_routing.c.

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 9:44 AM, Patrick Georgi <patrick@georgi-clan.de> wrote:
I'll leave this to someone else, who knows Alix better than I do.
Thanks :)

Best regards,
Aurélien Guillaume