<--------------This is the complete mail, sorry for the incomplete mail before --------->

Hello, I am new to coreboot and I've been using this tutorial as guidance:

I've had help from the IRC channel as well and I think it will be a good idea to get help here as well:

here's the log of what I've done:

1. downloaded qemu coreboot filo libpayload
2. Built qemu 
3. built libpayload > error in make menuconfig (this was definitely an ncurses.h error so the terminal graphics were the problem)
4. built libpayload using make config and then make (built config from tty and finally it built)
5. Built filo, since filo depends upon libpayload so the make menuconfig did not work here as well, so did make config and after iterations with block devices built it.
6. Built coreboot, here however make menuconfig works and after choosing the appropriate options > make generated a coreboot.rom
7. Created a ext3 disk.img 200MB with debian squeeze rootfs using debootstrap (on Ubuntu though) according to tutorial
8. checked where qemu keeps its $BIOS.BIN found it on /usr/local/share/qemu/ so used the appropriate command : qemu -L /usr/local/share/qemu/ -hda ~/disk.img 
9. the output of the above command without --nographic gives me simply "VNC server running on localhost:5900" which is, well, pointless, this proves the disk.img isn't working because once you simply execute qemu on the terminal it gives you VNC server running on localhost:5900

I have a detail log of all of the things I did. So the question is does the coreboot.rom path get updated to qemu's $BIOS.BIN or do I have to point it out explicitly (if it's generated elsewhere)
and what would the next step be to emulate it ? Or is there anything that I've been doing wrong. Please don't spare my feelings and let me know what it is. Thanks.

Pronoy Chopra
(DarkSector on IRC)