On Mon, Feb 11, 2019 at 12:34 PM Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult <lkml@metux.net> wrote:
Hi folks,

I'm currently writing Linux drivers for AMD FCH GPIO. It's currently
running fine on an APUv2 board (based on some examples I've found in
the net, including coreboot APUv2 code) but for mainline it should be
more generic. Yet lacking automatic probing / configuration (don't
like hardcoding so much)

My problem now is finding out which FCH it is exactly and find the
corresponding specs. There seem to be two FCH types: Bolton and

And Yangtze, Avalon, Kern, ...
For Bolton, I've found some specs that seem to fit, but other sites
indicate, the GX-412TC had an Hudson - unfortunately didn't find
any register specs for this one yet

Well coreboot tree has these names somewhat wrong, and mostly just call them Hudson. In GX-412TC codename was probably Avalon.
Does anybody here have some more detailed information on that ?

Usually, AMD BKDG papers have the info you are after, for pcengines/apu2 variants:

Often it was PCI 0:14.3 (LPC bridge) register 08h (REVISION_ID) you can identify FCH silicon from.
