(1) ECS P6stmt board use SDRAM synchronous mode.
    I've got P6STMT motherboard based on sis630et.  It's strange that the 0x8e is equal 0 which I have read from linux running on the board, that means the board uses SDRAM synchronous mode. 
(2) The board halt after setting 0x8c~8f value same as bios setting.
    I set 0x8c~8f (in dll.inc) values to which I have read under linux.  But ipl can't copy linuxbios from Doc to RAM.   I have tested doc_mil.inc.  When the second "call doc_reset" that is the second time to use RAM stack(%ss=$0x400, %sp=$0x0), the board halt. 
(3) winfast 6300 Max board use SDRAM asynchronous mode. 
    I have read 0x8c~8f values of winfast 6300.  The value of 0x8e is 0x3.  So winfast6300 use SDRAM asynchronous mode.   IPL can boot linuxbios and linux successfully.
(4)under p6stmt  Even I set register 0x50~0x5A (except 0x52 and 0x57) value to what I have read from its bios.  IPL can't copy linuxbios to RAM either.
Who has met the same experience?  I need help.

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