Hello everybody, i'm new of this mailing list and is the first time i see the coreboot code (however I know the processors based on Intel Architecture and its language).
However I apologize in advance with you if i commit some errors doing my questions.

1- My need is take a look at the coreboot code that set up (inizialize) the USB, IDE and SATA ports.
Please, can you tell me in which files i can find the inizialization of the above mentioned interfaces ?

My goal is to see if, during the inizialization phase, the coreboot code does, in some way, writing operations into the USB, IDE and SATA drives attached to the corresponding port .

2- If there are case where the coreboot bios communicates with the USB, IDE and SATA periferal drives during the normal user activity and, if so, in which cases this happens.

Thanks very much in advance.

Best Regards.

Vincenzo Di Salvo

Forensic Consultant
Tribunale di Lecce

Studio: Strada di Garibaldi - Contrada Paradisi
73010 Lequile (LE)

cell: 339.7968555
skype: vincenzo.di_salvo