what I've found on u-root and harvey is once we had slack, the mailing list dropped to almost zero. Key word being almost, we still use the mailing list for archival announcements. 


On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 9:34 AM Felix Held <felix-coreboot@felixheld.de> wrote:

> * coreboot is evaluating the idea switching from the mailing list to a
> forum package.  A poll on this will be posted shortly.
>   - Switch to reddit?
>   - Switch to google groups?
>   - Look for a forum software package that integrates well with the
> mailing list.
>   - Skepticism was expressed about ditching the mailing list.
I think dropping the mailing list for some forum would be a really bad
idea. The mailing list is organized as a tree and most forums only
support linear threads which get confusing very easily. Some forum with
tree-structure (the code or reddit is open source, but i'm not sure how
difficult it would be deploying an own installation of that) would be ok
from that point, but i still see some possible problems in regard to
archiving stuff there, since most of the data formats there will
probably ways less portable than a mailing list archive.


coreboot mailing list: coreboot@coreboot.org