39 entries total: 0:1st timestamp 254,878 11:start of bootblock 256,565 (1,687) 12:end of bootblock 257,865 (1,299) 13:starting to load romstage 258,029 (164) 14:finished loading romstage 262,999 (4,969) 1:start of romstage 263,009 (9) 2:before ram initialization 305,020 (42,010) 950:calling FspMemoryInit 315,831 (10,811) 951:returning from FspMemoryInit 477,966 (162,135) 3:after ram initialization 486,310 (8,343) 4:end of romstage 489,707 (3,396) 100:start of postcar 489,912 (205) 101:end of postcar 489,912 (0) 8:starting to load ramstage 490,019 (106) 15:starting LZMA decompress (ignore for x86) 490,035 (16) 16:finished LZMA decompress (ignore for x86) 533,413 (43,378) 9:finished loading ramstage 533,512 (98) 10:start of ramstage 534,728 (1,215) 30:device enumeration 538,280 (3,551) 954:calling FspSiliconInit 616,578 (78,298) 955:returning from FspSiliconInit 644,837 (28,259) 40:device configuration 1,730,442 (1,085,605) 956:calling FspNotify(AfterPciEnumeration) 1,737,356 (6,913) 957:returning from FspNotify(AfterPciEnumeration) 1,738,577 (1,220) 50:device enable 1,740,926 (2,349) 60:device initialization 1,748,124 (7,197) 15:starting LZMA decompress (ignore for x86) 1,769,839 (21,715) 16:finished LZMA decompress (ignore for x86) 1,770,769 (929) 70:device setup done 1,840,590 (69,821) 75:cbmem post 1,841,787 (1,197) 80:write tables 1,842,983 (1,195) 85:finalize chips 1,846,616 (3,633) 90:load payload 1,879,537 (32,920) 15:starting LZMA decompress (ignore for x86) 1,879,689 (152) 16:finished LZMA decompress (ignore for x86) 1,920,800 (41,111) 958:calling FspNotify(ReadyToBoot) 1,921,334 (533) 959:returning from FspNotify(ReadyToBoot) 1,932,673 (11,338) 960:calling FspNotify(EndOfFirmware) 1,933,853 (1,179) 961:returning from FspNotify(EndOfFirmware) 1,937,498 (3,644) 99:selfboot jump 1,945,941 (8,443) Total Time: 1,691,043