On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 6:56 PM, Bao C. Ha <bao@hacom.net> wrote:
Is it safe to assume that ADLO can load grub? Then, from there, I
can either run Linux or FreeBSD?


Just curious, what are you looking to dual-boot? Linux *and* FreeBSD, or Windows and either Linux or FreeBSD? I don't think coreboot works right with Windows at the moment. Also, FILO has a built-in pseudo-grub, it looks like grub and uses a specified menu.lst, it just isn't grub, if that helps.


> Hi,
> On 11.04.2008 00:41, Bao C. Ha wrote:
>> I would like to dual boot: either Linux or FreeBSD.
>> If I build a coreboot bios using FILO as the payload, would I
>> be able to load grub? Then, from grub, booting either Linux or
>> FreeBSD? Or should I use grub2 as the payload?
> Sorry, GRUB uses BIOS services which we don't provide by default, so
> you'll have to use FILO for Linux and ADLO for FreeBSD. It may be
> possible to boot FreeBSD without ADLO, but I'm not familiar enough with
> its source.
> Regards,
> Carl-Daniel
> --
> coreboot mailing list
> coreboot@coreboot.org
> http://www.coreboot.org/mailman/listinfo/coreboot

Best Regards.
Bao C. Ha
Hacom OpenBrick Distributor USA http://www.hacom.net
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