Hi Ganesh,

Welcome, Sounds like you are already getting a good start. You will want to focus you small tasks in the area of interest for your proposed project idea. There are a number of areas within coreboot, so try to get a feel for the general flow. For CBFS, you will want to review the latest patches within coreboot and libpayload CBFS. 


On Sat, Mar 7, 2015 at 2:41 PM <107112017@nitt.edu> wrote:

I would like to contribute to coreboot. I have configured the development
  environment for coreboot, tianocore and am able to build properly. I am
a newbie and have been going through the code, its docs, & the hardware
datasheets recently.

On IRC, kmalkki suggested me to start on providing header/footer encapsulation
for hexdumps of memory (for lspci -F and iasl disassembly). I tried something
in [2], but am very unsure if that is what he meant. patricg told some
ideas related to tianocore and I am interested in working on CBFS driver
for tiano.

I still need more time to understand the code (particularly CBFS,
libpayload and tiano), and during the period I would like to work on
documentation in [1] or any other easy tasks.

Kindly guide me.

[1]: https://trello.com/b/kxojIGTB/todos
[2]: https://github.com/77ganesh/small-works/blob/master/pci-hex-format/

Thanking You!