Hi Vincenzo,

I had the same issue just a day ago and solved it with cbmem
When building coreboot, make sure you have selected the "Send console output to a CBMEM buffer"-option (Run `make menuconfig` and select `Console`) and then use the `cbmem` tool (in `util/cbmem` in the coreboot git repo)

Have a look at the following page https://www.coreboot.org/Cbmem_console


On 22/11/17 19:09, ingegneriaforense@alice.it wrote:

Hello Guys !

I apologize with you if my question seems silly:

can you tell me if Coreboot stores a log of the POST phase in its EPROM memory ?  

If so, is it possible to retrive the log by the Operative System  and read it ?

Thanks in advance.


Forensic Consultant
Tribunale di Lecce

Studio: Strada di Garibaldi - Contrada Paradisi
73010 Lequile (LE)

cell: 339.7968555
skype: vincenzo.di_salvo