On 23.04.2009 1:35 Uhr, Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:
On 23.04.2009 01:28, Stefan Reinauer wrote:
On 23.04.2009 1:09 Uhr, Joseph Smith wrote:
On Wed, 22 Apr 2009 13:50:54 -0700, ron minnich <rminnich@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 4:41 AM, Joseph Smith <joe@settoplinux.org>
This really sounds like an unitialized variable or a bad pointer.

Wouldn't gcc catch these and error when building?
not always. that's what sparse can be useful for.

Why can't I just send the build output to a text file and then look through
it for all the warnings/errors?

$ make > buildlog.txt
You can..

btw.. qa.coreboot.org holds logs of each revision too (the last few
200-1000 depending when I clean up)


But please note that gcc does not catch all the tricky mistakes we make.

Or you run
cd util/abuild; abuild -t thomson/ip1000
and look at coreboot-builds/thomson_ip1000/make.log

util/abuild/abuild -t thomson/ip1000 $PWD

to build on the top level.

You can also specify a payload directory with -p

mkdir payloads
cp /somewhere/filo.elf payloads
then add a file payloads/payload.sh which prints the name of the payload to use (and takes the mainboard as a parameter)
such as
echo "`dirname $0`/build/filo.elf"

then you can build a fully working image with payload by specifying:

util/abuild/abuild -t thomson/ip1000 -p ./payloads $PWD

Specify -c max or -c 2 if you have an SMP system, to speed compilation up.


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