On Sun, May 28, 2017 at 7:20 PM Peter Stuge <peter@stuge.se> wrote:
Jonathan Neuschäfer wrote:
> I wonder if we should just import libfdt when we need to parse or
> modify devicetree blobs.  A quick check on the libfdt.a on my
> system (x86_64) shows that the set of .o files takes about 15kB, so
> it's not huge.

If the license is compatible I think that's a good idea.

yeah, I agree with you both.

> I think we should consider splitting the memory-resident part of
> coreboot on RISC-V into its own stage, similar to the SMM code on x86.

Is there any way a system can work completely without it?

one way, which I've done, is for a kernel to supply its own code, i.e. move the responsibility for supplying M-mode code to the kernel and away from firmware.f

This would remove some concerns people have about run-time firmware, since there would not be any :-)
