> I would like to use the AGESA software in order to measure the retention time of DRAM cells
> (i.e. the time a DRAM cell holds its value with refresh shut off).

I am not sure what are you really trying to do, and, mostly WHY you are trying to do what you are trying to do?! :bang:

Since I found the following: Typically, manufacturers specify that each row must be refreshed every 64 ms or less, as defined by the JEDEC standard.

Some systems refresh every row in a burst of activity involving all rows every 64 ms. Other systems refresh one row at a time staggered throughout the 64 ms interval. For example, a system with 213 = 8,192 rows would require a staggered refresh rate of one row every 7.8 µs which is 64 ms divided by 8,192 rows.

Now, since this is how the DRAM cell design typically looks like: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/DRAM_Cell_Structure_%28Model_of_Single_Circuit_Cell%29.PNG

How you can ensure that individual C is the same value, or similar values for the entire silicon? Nope, you can not, so your determined timings will be mostly out of order. Since these individual Cs can differ even 20%, even more in values. As well as channel wide and length of each individual FET you see there.

In other words, reliability and controlability of your measurements are in question/doubt?!

Manufacturer of DRAM ensures that C is no less that some minimum value, where (my best guess) each manufacturer is off around minimal 20% less timing, to ensure the refresh will be done completely correctly/safely/reliable.

My advice to you will be to follow manufacturer's DRAM Data Sheet, which will give you the most reliable refresh time available to you. ;-)

If you need to save some time tuning IMC, I would advice to you to pay for the faster CPU and faster (DDR3 -> DDR4) memories.


On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 1:15 AM, Berj K Chilingirian <berjc@mit.edu> wrote:

I was hoping to get some advice/guidance on how to disable the automatic refresh of the DRAM during the ROM stage of coreboot.

I am booting an ASUS F2A85-M motherboard with a AMD A6-5400k processor (Trinity core) using coreboot. The processor is initialized via the AGESA bootstrap protocol.

I would like to use the AGESA software in order to measure the retention time of DRAM cells (i.e. the time a DRAM cell holds its value with refresh shut off). To do this, I must (1) run my code in cache-as-RAM mode because DRAM becomes unreliable without refresh and (2) have a way to switch DRAM refresh on/off from software. (1) is accomplished by running my code in the cache-as-RAM phase of coreboot (i.e. the ROM stage). I am, however, unclear on how to accomplish (2) and I was hoping to receive some pointers/guidance on how to do this.

The AGESA protocol seems to handle memory initialization in the AmdInitPost phase, specifically in AmdMemAuto  In reading this code I discovered a call with which one could disable/enable the auto-refresh feature of the DRAM. Specifically,

MemNSetBitFieldNb (NBPtr, BFDisAutoRefresh, 1);

where NBPtr is a pointer to a data structure representing the northbridge configuration and BFDisAutoRefresh is a bit field which can be set to 1 in order to disable auto-refresh of the DRAM (see AMD BKDG, page 344 on DisAutoRefresh).

With this interface, I thought I could (1) write a value to memory (using movnti instruction to bypass the cache), (2) disable auto-refresh using MemNSetBitFieldNb, (3) wait some number of seconds, (4) enable auto-refresh using MemNSetBitFieldNb, and (5) check whether the value has persisted over the given period of time. Unfortunately, I discovered that even after waiting 3 minutes, the value in DRAM persisted (contrary to what seems to be expected by the literature). Note that I perform this procedure inside the AmdMemAuto procedure of the AGESA code once all memory initialization tasks have completed and before teardown occurs.

Worried that the processor may be caching the value, I decided to flush data at the address before disabling auto-refresh with the following interface provided by the AGESA codebase:

MemUFlushPattern (Addr, 1);

where 1 simply represents the number of cache lines to flush from the address Addr. This, however, proved not to solve my issue.

I am curious if anyone has dug into the AGESA vendor code and has any experience advice for how to approach the functionality I am trying to achieve.

Thank you for all your help!

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