Hi experts,

I built a coreboot image with following steps for tracing coreboot ramstage flow:

  1. make menuconfig






  1. make crossgcc-i386
  2. make


Then I start gdb:

  1. gdb
  2. (gdb) file /mnt/e/work/coreboot/build/cbfs/fallback/ramstage.debug

Reading symbols from /mnt/e/work/coreboot/build/cbfs/fallback/ramstage.debug...

  1. (gdb) target remote:1234


Then I start QEMU:

  1. qemu-system-i386  --bios build/coreboot.rom -nographic -M q35 -s

--- tty out put as below ---

Timestamp - finished loading ramstage: 627985288

BS: postcar times (exec / console): total (unknown) / 80 ms



(The “$S02#B5” repeats infinitely. I guess it’s to report a stop event to GDB.)



The GDB successfully connects to coreboot.

“disassemble $eip, +20” works fine.

“n” command doesn’t work.

(gdb) n

Cannot find bounds of current function


What mistake I might make?


