What motherboard are you using?

The first thing to check is the ROMSTRAP table.

The CK804 may not allow the board to come out of reset if the ROMSTRAP is not in the proper location.

I think it’s at 0xFFFFFFE0 defined in ids.inc and it points to “2BIGDOGS” or 0x2B16D065.





-----Original Message-----
From: linuxbios-bounces@openbios.org [mailto:linuxbios-bounces@openbios.org] On Behalf Of San Mehat
Monday, September 12, 2005 11:22 PM
To: linuxbios@openbios.org
Subject: [LinuxBIOS] Section Overlaps & Offset miscalculation



I'm currently trying to build a ck804 based amd bios and am having the following issue:

/usr/bin/ld: section .reset [fffdfff0 -> fffdffff] overlaps section .rom [fffd858b -> fffe263f]

When i increase 'ROM_IMAGE_SIZE' from 0x10000 to 0x20000 the problem goes away, however it looks like the offsets are being incorrectly computed
(the reset vector jump goes off into la-la land).

Any ideas?..
