> I know very little about it really. It may well be potentially bad to simply use the latest version,
> but in case it's really only because nobody did it, I might prepare a patch to use
downloadmirror.intel.com/27337/eng/microcode-20171117.tgz instead (someday, after
I testing it on my device).

To understand what is really going on, I did the following investigation on my only coreboot clone version,
I have on my current SSD the following: WIN10, using VMware® Workstation 12 Player, version  12.5.8 build-7098237
with Fedora 26 VM, where the coreboot is located.

CLI transcript follows:

[user@localhost coreboot]$ pwd
[user@localhost coreboot]$ git describe
[user@localhost coreboot]$ grep -r 20150121 *
[user@localhost coreboot]$ cd 3rdparty/blobs/cpu/intel/microcode
[user@localhost microcode]$ ls -al
total 24
drwxrwxr-x.  2 user user 12288 Nov 21 12:27 .
drwxrwxr-x. 24 user user  4096 Feb 18  2017 ..
-rwxrwxr-x.  1 user user  1782 Feb 18  2017 microcode2bin.sh
-rwxrwxr-x.  1 user user  2989 Nov 21 12:27 update-microcodes.sh
[user@localhost microcode]$ tail -10 update-microcodes.sh 

dump_cpuids <<=========================== I added this line of code to see which CPUIDs's MCUs are added here: 


[user@localhost microcode]$ 

Now, you can substitute 20150121.tgz with 20171117.tgz in bash shell script update-microcodes.sh and see what will happen?!

I somehow hope this exercise is helpful.


On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 9:31 AM, Martin Kepplinger <martink@posteo.de> wrote:
Since there are many releases of Intel's cpu microcode since 2015-01, I was wondering if
there's a reason why coreboot, if at all, uses this one.

I know very little about it really. It may well be potentially bad to simply use the latest version,
but in case it's really only because nobody did it, I might prepare a patch to use
downloadmirror.intel.com/27337/eng/microcode-20171117.tgz instead (someday, after
I testing it on my device).


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