Oops, forgot the cc. I need to get thunderbird set back up.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Corey Osgood <corey.osgood@gmail.com>
Date: Feb 4, 2008 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: [coreboot] VIA EPIA CN100000 is finally Working all.
To: urbez@linuxupc.upc.edu

On Feb 4, 2008 8:08 AM, <urbez@linuxupc.upc.edu> wrote:
Sorry :))) i have read this and yes, after the wrmsr, must have a }
problem with cut and paste to the email , the 80 character console :)

if (!(msr.lo & 0x10000)) {msr.lo|=0x10000;wrmsr(MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE,msr);}

And it works with C7 cpu, and uses the minimum voltage that accepts your CPU
and the maximum Speed Multiplier of your CPU.
I'm not sure if works on another CPU.

Ok, thanks. I'm having some issues with that bit of code as well:

        msr = rdmsr(MSR_IA32_PERF_STATUS);
        //TODO: wait CPU not busy bit 16 & 17 off (STATUS)
        wrmsr(MSR_IA32_PERF_CTL, 0, ((hi & 0xff00) | ((hi >> 16) & 0xff00));

This fails to compile, because wrmsr needs only 2 params and an msr struct (I think, never dove much into the msr stuff). I think this is what you're intending, just need to know if it's right:

         msr.lo = 0;
         msr.hi &= 0xff00;
         msr.hi |= (msr.hi >> 16); //or should it be msr.lo?
        wrmsr(MSR_IA32_PERF_CTL, msr); 
Mmm, i must download the last svn, for compare with that i have, with a diff.
Is different the auto.c, that i use, i cray for fit into the ROM_SIZE.
Initially i have working with a separate v8237 driver copied from another via
, but, finally, if i remember i use the entire v8237r version of Rudolf Marek.
I confirm that, when i can generate the pach for epia-cn, i'm at work :)

The CF8, is a missed parameter that i use in another program.
I use normally another PCI routines, i not remember why. I cray, for pass the
size as a parameter, better, if you use tables.
Ignore the CF8, and cut it :)

It is possible that your mainboard, starts with diferent parameters in the
bridge that not afect mine?

But wait for the DIFF results with the last version of SVN, to confirm if are
more easy the problem, and i can have forgotten extra changes.

If you want just  send me a tarball of whatever you have, I'll sort through it and whip up a patch. I'm stuck in st. elsewhere with no access to the machine tonight anyways.
