A new post titled "[GSoC] Better RISC-V support, week #2" has been published on the coreboot blog. Find the full post at http://blogs.coreboot.org/blog/2016/06/06/gsoc-better-risc-v-support-week-2/

Last week, I updated my copy of spike (to commit 2fe8a17a), and familiarized myself with the differences between the old and the new version:

“Why does coreboot need a serial console?”, you may ask. Coreboot uses it to log everything it does (at a configurable level of detail), and that’s quite useful for debugging and development.

Instead of working around the problems with HTIF, I decided to implement a minimal, 8250-compatible UART. I’m not done yet, but the goal is to use coreboot’s existing 8250 driver.

Plans for this week

This week, I will rewrite the bootblock and CBFS code to work with RISC-V’s new memory layout, and make sure that the spike UART works with coreboot’s 8250 UART driver. Booting Linux probably still takes some time.