I think EoL Chromebooks are a good opportunity for Coreboot to present itself to end users.

Right now Chromebooks use Coreboot but nobody knows that.

But once a Chromebook reaches EoL people will either throw it away or use it with the insecure and outdated browser version they have until it breaks.

People would appreciate that it's possible to keep the device and use a modern Linux with up-to-date browser by only installing a dedicated Coreboot ROM.

A per-device wiki page would be great! Something to show how to install it, etc.

A ROM sha-256 (and a link) is also essential to know what to grab (or if your build was good).

I'm actually the one that started the reproducible builds thread last time precisely because I could not get the same ROM image as the ones posted online and I was wondering what I did wrong and if I would brick my laptop or not.


On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 5:53 PM, Matt DeVillier <matt.devillier@gmail.com> wrote:

I think this is what you're looking for: https://www.coreboot.org/Supported_Motherboards
It contains the commit hash, build config, and a few other logs for each device/commit.  It is user submitted though, since there doesn't exist a test setup for every supported device.

Right now, I'm the main builder/distributor of upstream coreboot firmware for ChromeOS devices; I support all Haswell, Broadwell, and some Baytrail devices, the former with both UEFI and Legacy Boot variants. When time permits, I'll expand that to cover the rest of the Baytrail devices, then move on to adding support for Skylake.  No plans for Braswell support unless I acquire a device on which to test.

John Lewis has some upstream firmware for the older SandyBridge/IvyBridge models, but his Haswell firmware is build from Google's tree/branches not upstream.  He also has no plans for any future upstream firmware.


On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 6:49 AM, Emilian Bold <emilian.bold@gmail.com> wrote:

Now that Coreboot has reproducible builds, could you provide a list of build hashes for Chromebooks that are or will soon reach End of Life?

I see on https://support.google.com/chrome/a/answer/6220366?hl=en that 2 Chromebooks will reach End of Life in 2016 and 3 more in 2017 then 7 in 2018. I assume the number will increase each year.

I know that Coreboot does not distribute builds, but the little Custom roms section on https://www.coreboot.org/users.html seems insufficient.

It's easy making a build, you just need to have the certainty you did it well. Or that the one you are downloading is correct.

Posting an official SHA-256 hash for a ROM would solve this.


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