I want to know how coreboot.rom,  means the final product is built.
What rule makes it and where is it? How its format is CBFS while this format seems unknown for GNC tool chain like gcc?

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 8:10 PM, Joseph Smith <joe@settoplinux.org> wrote:

On Wed, 4 Aug 2010 19:07:38 +0430, ali hagigat <hagigatali@gmail.com>
> When we execute the command:
> make
> What rule will be executed?
> We know that compiling and linking c/assembly files by GNU gcc tool
> object files with specific formats like elf, COFF,....How the final
> Coreboot
> image is not in those formats, means it is not in elf, COFF formats? It
> an executable file.

Can you please explain why you are so interested in coreboot's
build("make") process?

Joseph Smith