On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 10:45 AM, Rene Shuster <rene.shuster@bcsemail.org> wrote:
​Hi there,
Where can I get Coreboot stickers?
What are your thoughts working together w/ UnixStickers.com, so that Coreboot would receive part of the sales as monthly donations ( https://www.unixstickers.com/donations ).

Coreboot is not currently set up to accept donations, though that will change in the near future with the pending membership in the Software Freedom Conservancy.

For the most part things like stickers, t-shirts, etc. have been made by community members for special occasions. Once the SFC stuff is finalized it might be good to have an official web store to help folks show their support, have a place to order swag for conferences, and maybe even help offset hosting costs.