Hello everyone,

I am Raysan Alawami and I am from Saudi Arabia. I plan on participating in GSoC and working on the first idea in the project idea list (see https://doc.coreboot.org/contributing/project_ideas.html#provide-toolchain-binaries). I have spent quite some time learning and writing small bash scripts, so I think that I can pull this one off.

I have a question regarding your target platforms. Do you guys have any specific Linux distros in mind that you want to be supported in the packaging script? At the moment, I intend to support Ubuntu, and Windows or Mac OS for now. I am looking for popular Liunx distros that you guys think should be supported.

Also, regarding the testing and verification of the packages, Can I get a tldr on how my scripts will be tested using QEMU/Docker? Or how you guys expect to be able to test them? I want to know a little more about the process so that I can figure out how much of it I can automate using the packaging script, and possibly another script meant for installing the packages on the target platforms for testing the packages.

Finally, I have not had the chance to build build coreboot and boot it due to circumstances beyond my control, but I will be sure to post my serial output results before I apply.
