On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 5:07 PM, Hugh Greenberg <hng@lanl.gov> wrote:
Attached is the output.  I tried your idea with changing PCI_ROOT and it worked.  You can see gpxe booting in the output.

CONFIG(e0)01-04 ->(0,0),R W (bus numbers)

That's not good.  That means "If you get a config space read or write for bus 1-4, send it down link 0 of node 0.

Unfortunately, it left out bus 0, which is why you only see the CPUs.  It also explains why you can't see bus 2 unless you specifically point it out to SeaBIOS.

I guess we need to look at the code that sets that.  It worked fine for SimNOW...
