SF100 can fit your requirement with testclip SO8, you can see the details from:

2010/7/19 Corey Osgood <corey.osgood@gmail.com>
On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 1:11 PM, Rudolf Marek <r.marek@assembler.cz> wrote:
> Hi,
> I guess you need to have some driver to disconnect the bus from chipset.
> And maybe some diode not to power on whole MB while doing ISP when MB is off
> Check this:
> www.dediprog.com/chipset/via8237s.pdf
> Maybe you will need tri state buffer?

I've seen that, along with the intel version:


But they rely on an SPI header and the reference design, neither of
which I'll have. I was hoping someone had some solution for hooking a
programmer directly to a board, but with switching chips so easy I
can't imagine why they'd bother.
