On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 2:18 PM, <echelon@free.fr> wrote:

----- Mail d'origine -----
De: Peter Stuge <peter@stuge.se>
À: coreboot@coreboot.org
Envoyé: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 17:43:48 +0200 (CEST)
Objet: Re: [coreboot] BIOS/CoreBoot/UBOOT

> Most people who buy computers are happy, because controlling the computer
> isn't as important as using the desktop, which I think IS FINE. (emphasis mine)

It depends .. many people use their computer to access their online bank accounts or to do operations with their bitcoin wallets. Would you be happy knowing that someone from MS (could be a very decent person btw..) have STEALTH access to your banking operations at every moment?...

What does this have to do secure boot, which is what Peter was talking about?

I think we're all on the same page with regards to obscure privileged code and microcontrollers running in the system. But that's not what was being discussed.