
On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 5:58 PM, Paul Wilcox-Baker <wilcoxbaker@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear coreboot,

We have done some more research on the differences between the
supported Haswell processors and PCH parts and what we have
used in our design.

We have designed a board with the E3-1268Lv3 device with the
82C226 PCH part.  It appears that all Haswell devices that
have been ported are the mobile variety where the PCH device is
packaged with the processor.

Do the files to support the parts we wish to use exist anywhere
else?  Is there a repository for non-GPL code perhaps?

Can we use any of the coreboot utilities on a system with the
same processor and PCH device to generate code for a coreboot
that will support this CPU and PCH?

Does Intel have the required files to generate coreboot for the
processor and PCH part that we wish to use?  If they do how do
we get them?  Perhaps they have some coreboot code that can be
obtained under NDA or licence.