On Sunday, January 26, 2020 3:34 PM, Simon Newton <simon.newton@gmail.com> wrote:
Have you considered different permutations of me_cleaner - for example using the AltMeDisable/HAP switch instead of the partition removal method? i tend to do both the partition removal and the altme/hap switch, but some motherboards simply dont like partitions removed.In those cases, ive used HAP/altMEdisable  and ME has stayed inoperative. Theres a reason a certain three letter agency asked for that switch to be there for their high assurance platform. Id be surprised if the HAP switch setting didnt work - try the lowercase -s switch. 

Another area to consider would be whitelisting some FTPR modules when running me_cleaner and see if that resolves the issue with SATA, if you really have to run the partition removal method. Some of my mobos require --whitelist EFFS,FCRS 

Kind Regards,

Simon Newton

E: Simon.newton@gmail.com

I have not tried to run me_cleaner on the blob myself, I got the information on broken SATA from the me_cleaner GitHub bug report.

I rely on internal programmer, so I have not made too many experiments in fear of bricking the system. But if system still boots from USB after messing with ME, I can make some experiments with me_cleaner, as a disable ME would be better than anything else.

Mogens Jensen