Hi All,

On elkhartlake_crb

ehlcrb_spd_info.read_type = READ_SPD_CBFS;
ehlcrb_spd_info.spd_spec.spd_index = 0x00;

Can this setting be changed to READ_SMBUS?

Seeing Memory Init failures in FSP

MRC task Early ReadMPR Timing Centering 2D -- FAILED, Status = 6h. Stack Depth: 55724
<MrcTimer Task="Early ReadMPR Timing Centering 2D" msec="766"/>
MRC timer: Total time for SAGV Low point = 11955 msec.

MRC task -- debug print: 0
MRC timer: Total time to execute tasks = 11955 msec.
Memory initialization has failed

It would be great if someone can let me know the settings
