Hi all,

Recently I am working on neutralizing ME for various platform whose ME cannot be completely removed. After I have finished building coreboot for a ga-b75m-d3h board with its own ME neutralized, I tried to use a neutralized version of Samsung lumpy's ME (located at 3rdparty/blobs/mainboard/samsung/lumpy/me.bin, which I have successfully applied to my Lenovo x220) on the board, due to its smaller size.

This trial is mostly successful, except that the integrated graphic card completely ceased to work and disappeared from the PCI bridge, to my suprise. In such situation, a discrete graphic card should be used instead.

It seems the integrated graphic card is dominated by ME, related to some Digital Restriction Management schemes like PAVP or something.

On the other hand, in situations where discrete graphic cards are feasible or headless usage, this scheme may be useful, as more space is left for CBFS.
