Hello, Zoran.

So, we closed that issue. Function northbridge_init() didn't executed, because we didn't had structure with desktop pci_driver. Memory map was builded, SeaBIOS now works correctly (boot from DVD and HDD). But load isn't correct. Ubuntu Linux and Live CD are died after load screen. Errors in terminal are different load-to-load (usually some "NMI watchdog: Watchdog detected hard LOCKUP on cpu #(0-3)").

1. Ubuntu loaded in recovery mode. They are different in 'nomodeset' parameter (Ubuntu Linux loads without graphics drivers). VGA BIOS included, bootspash and SeaBIOS output are visible. Can it be because of uncorrect graphics initialization?
2. How works memconfig? We has read dmesg from coreboot and native BIOS. In coreboot we used 0xf000000 memconfig base, in native used 0xf8000000. Is it critical? We tried to use 0xf8000000, but didn't loaded in SeaBIOS.

Thank you for your answers.
Konstantin Novikov.