

When I try to cherry-pick the tip of a review.coreboot.org patchset it works.

When I try to cherry-pick previous patchsets it fails.

Why is that. Details below.


I need to cherry-pick previous patchsets as it is part of a script that tries to reproduce a previous snapshot to my local machine.


bash$ git remote -v

cros https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/third_party/coreboot (fetch)

cros https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/third_party/coreboot (push)


bash$ git log --oneline -n5

55146d1476 (HEAD, m/main, cros/stabilize-15439.B) UPSTREAM: util/docker/jenkins-node: Drop Zephyr SDK

ac272eccbc UPSTREAM: util/docker/jenkins-node: Allow pip to install packages system-wide

efaebbc346 UPSTREAM: util/docker/jenkins-node: Merge package installations into first step

0c3869ed79 UPSTREAM: mb/google/nissa/var/yaviks: Update devicetree for UFC usb port

e85bc7473c UPSTREAM: mb/google/nissa/var/yavilla: Update devicetree based on FW_CONFIG


bash$ git fetch https://review.coreboot.org/coreboot refs/changes/34/73534/2 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD

fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly

fatal: protocol error: bad pack header


bash$ git fetch https://review.coreboot.org/coreboot refs/changes/34/73534/3 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD

From https://review.coreboot.org/coreboot

* branch                  refs/changes/34/73534/3 -> FETCH_HEAD

[detached HEAD 0db7962695] mb/google/rex: Enable SaGv

Author: Subrata Banik subratabanik@google.com

Date: Tue Mar 7 16:34:22 2023 +0000

1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)




But when remote is review.coreboot.org/coreboot I am able to fetch old Patchset with no issue


bash$ git remote -v

origin     https://review.coreboot.org/coreboot (fetch)

origin     https://review.coreboot.org/coreboot (push)


bash$ git log --oneline -n5

b2f2b53fb2f (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) acpi/acpigen: add comment about byte 0 in acpigen_resource_*word

d1c61a8e704 arch/x86/ioapic.c: Increase the number of bits for ioapic ID

0e1f08d1fbb mb/google/rex: Add variant specific SOC chip config update function

6f6353d570e mb/google/rex/var/screebo: Add initial devicetree config

d5c1e133043 mb/google/corsola: Add support for MIPI panel


bash$ git fetch https://review.coreboot.org/coreboot refs/changes/34/73534/2 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD

From https://review.coreboot.org/coreboot

* branch                    refs/changes/34/73534/2 -> FETCH_HEAD

[master 5b6cae909b5] mb/google/rex: Enable SaGv

Author: Subrata Banik subratabanik@google.com

Date: Tue Mar 7 16:34:22 2023 +0000

1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)



I found related topics and workarounds here but I think the issue has to do with how gerrit works internally.

Please explain why it fails to cherry-pick previous patchsets.







Musse A.